NOVÝ PROJEKT pre ANDROID DEVELOPERa. Na zaujímavý projekt do stabilného priateľského tímu obsadzujeme tímového hráča so skúsenosťami s KOTLIN kódovaním a chuťou posúvať vpred seba aj tím. • Lokalita: Remote / Onsite • Pracovný úväzok: Full time / TPP alebo živnosť • Nástup: ihneď Technológie •Jazyky: Kotlin, Java • Async knižnice: RxJava, Kotlinx Coroutines • Automatizácia: Fastlane, Bitbucket • Testovanie: Espresso, JUnit • Ďalšie technológie: Firebase, Služby Google Play Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT pre IOS DEVELOPERa. Na zaujímavý projekt do stabilného priateľského tímu obsadzujeme tímového hráča so skúsenosťami s SWIFT kódovaním a chuťou posúvať vpred seba aj tím. • Lokalita: Remote / Onsite • Pracovný úväzok: Full time / TPP alebo živnosť • Nástup: ihneď Technológie • Jazyky: Swift, Objective-C • Verzionovanie: Git • Automatizácia: Fastlane, Xcode server • Firebase, Cocoapods, Alamofire, REST, JSON, Combine • Skúsenosti s architektúrou MVVM, MVVM-C sú výhodou. Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! Challenging opportunity for a Business Intelligence/ Data Warehouse Analyst skilled in Business Analysis, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence with experiences gained ideally on projects in finance and telco area. Our client is based in Bratislava and attracting team-members with friendly and open culture + inviting conditions. SQL advanced only! Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NOVÝ PROJEKT! Obsadzujeme pozíciu vhodnú pre seniorného recruitera so skúsenosťami s masívnymi náborovými kampaňami ideálne v oblasti dopravy a/alebo logistiky na 4 mesačný projekt v júli až októbri. Máte záujem? Prosím kontaktujte ma:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have a challenging opportunity for an IT tester with experiences in automated and/or endurance and/or safety testing, skilled with testing tools (HP, Borland, IBM, OpenSource) and methodologies. For a long-term project remote or at client-side, in kind environment and fair treatment, with support from professional/senior team. Stable team - testers only:) Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have an interesting opportunity for a senior integration expert with experience in development of IT systems and/or system integration process. Welcomed:) is experience with programming languages and technologies used in integration solutions. Able to understand and create architecture of solutions, in accordance with functional and non-functional requirement. For a long-term project in Bratislava/remote. Interested and available? Please contact for more information:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have an interesting opportunity for a senior IT analyst with minimum 5 years professional experience in SW analysis and Process modelling, OMG Certified UML (Unified Modeling Language) Advanced or equivalent certificate issued by international authority. For our client a governmental organisation in Bratislava. Interested and available? Please contact for more information: ➢ ➢ ➢ +421911 589 985 ➢ +421 948 901 909
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have a challenging opportunity for an ambitious CEO experienced with business development initiatives, establishing company strategy. Strong team leader is wanted. For our client from Services industry in West Slovakia. Interested and available? Please contact or call +421911 589 985 for more information. Follow us: Join Top Heads:
Read more...NEW PROJECT! We have a challenging opportunity for a skilled Progressive Web Applications Programmer/Analyst, experienced with PWA and VUE in offline mode realisation. For my client developing interesting technology product. Based in Bratislava, after onboarding independent remote work. Interested and available? Please contact or call +421911 589 985 for more information.
Read more...NEW PROJECT! Our client in Fashion industry needs a skilled Stock Manager or Expert focusing setting-up an optimal order fulfillment workflow. Client’s E-commerce business is growing and their stock needs to keep up with it. Experience in Fashion industry is a must. A challenging project involving a complex audit of processes, a solution proposal and its implementation is open now! Interested and available? Get in touch for more info! or call +421 911 589 985