NEW INTERIM PROJECT! We have new #InterimProject for COMPENSATION & BENEFITS EXPERT. Experienced with : - Coordination C&B processes: pay review, new benefits introduction, implemention a grading framework, proposing changes to ensure comparable benefits across the company, etc. - Designing policies to close gaps in the compensation of employees (introducing the internal equity at affordable costs) - Developing different schemes of the variable remuneration, calculation bonuses for payroll processing - Leading company comp&ben projects - Advising line managers in taking difficult decisions in the area of compensation, benefits and motivation of employees, For 24 months full-time project in Bratislava. For more information:
Read more...Otvárame nový INTERIM projekt pre skúseného Personalistu / Human Resources Managera. Cieľom projektu je zanalyzovať systém odmeňovania a upraviť smernicu odmeňovania v spoločnosti nášho klienta v Prešove. Osobná prítomnosť počas celého trvania projektu (1 mesiac) je nutná. For more information: